
What am I doing here..?

Well I am almost halfway through my trip in a land of flat caps and meat pies. Time stands still here in the north, but as primitive as things may seem, I did manage to hook up my Nephews hamster wheel to power my laptop so it ain't so bad.
After seeing old friends (see pic) and my even older Grannie I continued my coastal photographic quest.
Its a strange thing with photography projects as you are never 100% sure where they will go and what the final result will be. When I shot the Salton Sea series (see website) there was just so much material it was hard not too 'over shoot'. Having said that my final edit was from around 150 images, all of which I was more than happy with.. The Coastal project is very different and what I am attempting is probably the hardest task I have ever set myself and these are the three main reasons:
1. I don't what to produce anything 'too' similar to what has been done before (always difficult).
2. Doubts in my mind as to whether the project is any good (something I will not know until I have a body of work)
3. The Scottish coast is probably the bleakest place on earth and very difficult to create images with impact (however when zooming along the coastline with the top down and the sun burning my baldy heed, I thought I was back in California).
Having said all that, I do enjoy a challenge..

What this space for more whaffle...

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