
From first photograph to first book.....

In 2005 I had my first book Night Vision, or to give it its full title: Night Vision Intimacies of an Unblinking Eye, published.
Its incredible how much work goes into producing a book and what a thrill it is to receive those first copies in the mail. But after an hour or so, its not enough and you immediately what to do another. Since that humble day and for the past three years I have been working on my latest book project.
The images are edited, most of the text written and the dummy books sent to all the publishers, so now I must wait to see the response. Its amazing how precious a book project becomes. To most people it means nothing, but to the artist its everything. Its not about showing it off to people, or even making money. Its about finishing a body of work that makes it possible to move onto other projects. A book makes it permanent... Well thats how I feel anyway...
This latest book Urban Safari (working title) is a project I started about seven years ago. Basically It explores the Urban landscape that surrounds us, nature and the man made, that sort of thing. Most of the images are on my new and improved website.
I thought it would be good to have a written interview in the book with an insight into my way of working. I will put this on the blog once it is finished....

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