

So I had a bit of a jolly to New York (as you do) and thought it would be good to recharge the batteries and take to the city streets with a digital compact. In the past I would always have a compact loaded with film and always enjoyed producing a series of small prints.
Anyway, I was doing quite well snapping away and thought I had at least 10 worthy images. With any digital compact type camera I often don't check the screen and try to get as close to 'the olden day' techniques as possible. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake as these two images were the only ones I had on the card.
Basically the camera packed up and produced nothing but black.
I hate digital compacts..


mark page said...

My little Ricoh has been going strong since 2008.

marcus doyle said...

Those Ricohs are great. I made the mistake of giving mine away, like an idiot...