
What shall we talk about...

When I first started talking about my work I read a lot of interviews with other photographers. I have always been interested in a photographers approach to their subject and enjoy hearing what makes them passionate about what they do and all that jazz... The best thing I ever heard was that, most photography students, and people starting out, get an idea and think they have invented the wheel or something.. That quote tickled me, and still does, every time someone tells me they have a great idea for a photography project (holds breath)...

I am pretty sure that when people photgraph their food and post it on social media they don't realize it was something Stephen Shore was doing 40 years ago except his social media was a museum. And as for selfies, folk were doing them when the camera was first invented.

On a recent Visit to the Getty Museum I seen the beautiful work of Richard Learoyd, made with a modern day camera obscura. The large scale colour prints have a fine quality to them, but its no more that a re-harsh of something done over a hundred years ago.

My point here is that nothing is new these days, just a re-run of what gone before. I don't have a problem with it, just don't tell me it's original..

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