I was asked a while back to enter the 100 mile radius (
more info here). To be honest my heart was never really that into it, but I was still a little dissapointed not to be chosen for the online exhibit, or anything else for that matter.
I could go on and say I made it a rule a while ago not to enter any kind of photography competition, especially ones you have to pay to enter, but that would be a little petty. (May I just squeese in the shot was good, and not pants..)
But one point I feel I must make, even if it is to myself, is that all the work selected for this particular competition seems to look like it was taken by the same person. The style, composistion, and execution of each image all look like they come from the same page. This is certainly not an isolated case. Just look at something like the National Gallery Portrait Prize and you will see a series of images that look like they came out of the same studio. The same could also be said of universities which are often full of repitition and uniform images from each year..
So to make my somewhat wobbly point, my images do not fit into this latest era of light airy images with no real thought over composistion. This is in no way a criticism of the work, far from it, its simply what I see..
I discussed this hairy matter late into the night with my wife who told me that maybe
"I should evolve my work more to fit in.." (Her work is constantly evolving and changing to suit the needs of Her market).
After a failed attempt at suffocating her with my pillow I told her that I had spent too many years honing my techniques to suddenly change to fit in with a style I just despise. Meyerowitz, Misrach, Evans, Adams, and all the others never changed their style.
She replied;
"Well you are not one of them..(
long pause)...But I guess you are right.."