I am sure if you are at all interested in landscape photography you will have heard of Charlie Waite or perhaps have one of his many wonderful books. Although he may be classed by some as a 'traditional landscape photographer' (a term I really don't like and means diddly) I think he is very much beyond that but although he is revered among 'amateurs' and the 'general public' I don't think a lot of pros, or should I rephrase that, 'Art Photographers' (another term I hate) rate him at all. I have heard some mention his heavy use of filters which also bothers me because I think he is one of the few that uses filters well and I certainly don't see a 'Tony Scott style' Top Gun sky...Charlie is shooting (or was ) Transparency film after all and I challenge anyone to produce fine landscapes without a grad filter or two...
Just to be clear and technicalities aside I have nothing but the highest regard for Charlie Waite's work. Anyways, I met Charlie some years ago when (you guessed it) I was printing and have yet to meet a more charming, warm and open person. He even offered to get me on a couple of his workshops as a tutor but I quickly declined the kind offer and here is why.
I believe you can teach someone to take a photograph, but you cannot teach someone to make a photograph. All these people going to the most fantastic of places and all of them coming back with the same set of pictures taken at the same time of day.....Utterly pointless....
I remember one trip I did to Monument Valley when I set off through the desert in the dark of early morning to capture the first light on the Three Sisters Buttes. As I approached the Buttes I noticed what looked like a parking lot full of cars. I found a space and proceeded to the vantage point I had in mind. It was like War Of The Worlds there were so many tripods. Everyone waiting for the sun to come up. I swore a little and then returned to my car to swear some more...It was from that day on I learnt to despise the photographic holiday and everything that went with it..
Back to Charlie and I will finish off by saying It takes a certain type of person/photographer to share everything like Charlie Waite does. His knowledge, his patience, his enthusiasm. And although I would like to think I have these attributes as a photographer, I am more of a caretaker than a teacher....
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