

In the days when I could run a four minute mile, wrestle a grizzly bear in just my shorts, and pull a bus with my teeth (of course only one is true) I never questioned my motives behind my photography or the amount of gear I needed. I would load all my gear without hesitation, usually a large format, lots of dark slides, 5 or 6 lenses, a heavy tripod and anything else I deemed necessary for my outing. This was not because I was super human, although I was probably stronger with more energy, It was because I knew far less about what I actually needed. These days I tend to carry the very bare essentials mainly due to the fact I am more confident about my work and know pretty much all of what I need. One camera, one lens, a few slides, a light tripod and a focusing lube, that's about it. However this self assurance did slap me in the face when after a severe downpour and camera soaking, my favorite lens ceased up and failed to fire the next day due to getting water in the shutter mechanism. But before you say ' That will teach you smart arse!' the lens was still usable, I just took the olde worlde approach and put my hand in front of the lens. (Now you can call me a smart arse..)
My point here is that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and not think so much along the lines of what if I need a longer lens, or what if I need fifty more dark slides. Having said that I have just realised that you digital types have it all to hand. A zoom lens, no film to carry, the ability to shoot in low light (hand held), heck you even have an instant image to see if using all those automatic modes has made you take an out of focus shot.
Well that was a waste of time.. But I have raised another point here in that Digital does seem to take a lot of the thought out of photography, at least where landscape photography is concerned anyway...

Heres some words from the master to back up my thoughts...

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