
Home Again..

So once again I find I have journeyed northwards and become shrouded in midst in a land of pies and ancient battle grounds. As with the North Shore project I plan to keep all my peeps up to date with my latest project. But as this project has not even started, and may in fact not even start, I will not get too carried away.
There is always an element of doubt before I embark on a photographic venture and this time is no different. As I watched the little lambs skip for joy across the meadows through the speeding window of the west coast 'wobble' train, my enthusiasm began to slip away like a bogie in the bath tub..
Traveling to the far flung corners of the globe to places unfamiliar will almost always create a sense of visual excitement as everything is new. This is always a danger for photographers as its easy to become picture postcard snap happy (something Eddy Weston wrote about frequently in his Daybooks regarding places like Mexico) It tends to be the exact opposite when coming back to somewhere you know well, but this is where the skill of the photographer must come into play and they must look, rather than see..

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