
Image of the week (well sort of)

I try to spend one Friday a month just hopping from bookshop to bookshop looking for a little insiration and more often than not a fruity purchase. Like many photographers I have a stupid number of photography books which although are always nice to have, give no incentive to move house due to there combined weight and taking up whole room-ness. On today's book quest I came across 'Adventures In Tornado Alley' by Mike Hollingshead and although strictly speaking not a photography book its still flipping great. His website has a ton of information and may make you want to become a Storm Chaser, or maybe even a Storm Trooper.
I have always marveled at images of extreme nature, especially storms like the ones shown above.
As much as I dream of photographing such things, I don't think trying to use a 10/8 in these conditions would be ideal. But In photo speak they are photographs of storms and nothing more. But my, what photographs and I want more.....

"What did he just say?"

"He said theres a storm coming"

"I know"

End quote from the Terminator.

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