
Looking For Love. Alec Soth 1996

I was intrigued to hear that Alec Soth has published a book of work he had made way back in 1996. Intrigued because like my Salton work, and for whatever reason, the work has lay dormant for some time. Although Soth's work was made some sixteen years ago it has been published in the way it was originally intended. 

"Alec Soth‘s photobook „Looking for Love, 1996“, including his photo series of the same name, looks back to the time of the beginning, the time when everything is still open and exciting, when everything gently falls into place. It‘s the phase of the beginning, that forms the basis not only of a new love, but also of each new photographic project. It‘s a book about searching, about the curious and intuitive approach to people and their stories. About falling in love to a medium that opens insights to worlds that would otherwise stay hidden – intensive and haunting like an interminable night at the bar."

I love this idea and am testament to the idea that returning to images after several years can be a really wonderful thing..

Theres also a good review of the book here.

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