
That Guy..

I came across the work of Guy Sargent a little while back with what at first glance just seemed like a poor mans version of Olaf Otto Becker's photographs with a rocks and water kind of thing. He seemed to have come out of nowhere and had the same few images all over the place (or at least thats what I thought). But recently I had the pleasure of finding his website, all be it completely by accident, and you know what, its a complete treasure trove of beautiful images which when viewed as a whole makes complete and utter pleasurable sense...
How often have we dismissed a photographer after only seeing a couple of images. I know I have.

There are many layers and influences to Sargent's work, alot of which are revealed in his blog. I always find this encouraging from photographers and all the best ones will be the first to admit their influences rather than pass their images and ideas off as total and utter originals (or maybe even look for influences afterwards....)

There are two main bodies of work What Lies Beneath The Surface and London, A Personal View. Both of which are worth a good long look..

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